An unbelievable delay? I can hardly believe it myself. It took me all these years, ever since the first clunky Motorola handphone, to become the proud owner of a Nokia!
After the cloneable Motorola, I had a Philips with voice activation, then a Sony Ericsson P800, and finally two XDAs, the IIs and now the Atom Exec. So why get another phone now?
My powerful Atom developed a problem – I can only hear sound and speak through the headset (I use a bluetooth Jabra now). And the O2 service center told me that they need to replace the motherboard. But I can’t live without a phone!
And then, I travel abroad frequently and roaming costs are high. So having a second phone for using local sim cards makes good sense. Meanwhile, I keep my international phone on roaming so that my loved ones can reach me anywhere, anytime.
I had only one condition when I entered the Hello cell phone shop today – the new phone had to be red! No problem, my two daughters came with me and advised me which phone to select, and I liked it too: the new Nokia 5300 Xpress Music.
Connecting people, just what I want.
Photograph: Connecting people, creating life.