I decided today to become a writer. To devote regular time every day to writing. To be consistent in this practice. Not knowing in advance what I will end up with. To let writing flow. To let go of the river bank, and slide into the flow. To stick with it, to plod on. To be satisfied with it.

Today I am reminded of the importance of being positive. Why should we be otherwise? People seem to have many reasons for not being positive. Even when being positive, it may not always come across that way to others. Mindfulness helps. To be aware, of my own posture, poise, words. I really don't want to be anything else but positive. Is it boring? Isn't good and evil always with me? Sure, evil is with me, like a bag I carry slung on my shoulder, like the shadow that follows me. So isn't it natural to be negative sometimes? Probably, but I don't feel that way.
Certainly I feel low sometimes, even regularly. But I noticed that being positive is central to me now, and it seems to have taken root in me, sprouted branches and leaves. It feels nice, and just right. I can feel empty, sure, but usually I experience it positively. I am really happy with this, I love to create positive atmosphere, or just enjoy it without creating anything at all. I become aware that being positive is always there.
Like my Dao teacher said, we're all swimming in a pool of Chi, but we've closed ourselves to it. Energy is all around us, but we try to do everything by ourselves, without tapping into that vast resource. Life isn't really about creating many things, but by opening myself to it. Life is actually me. It's not something separate from me.
This is enough for me, to be able to open myself. Then to flow. To outflow to others, especially my loved ones. And to experience inflow, everything, but only focus on, and appreciate the good. Observe other things too, observe anything, and just drop what is not positive. Take note, and let it pass. Rejoice when something positive happens. And be awake to let positive things happen, every moment.
I am happy with this first posting, that it is about being positive. I love it. It's a good start of my writing practice. Live to be positive at heart...
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