I’m taking a break in Asia’s lion city, and Singapore welcomes me in a way it hasn’t done before. I used to come here on stopovers, but in this visit I have time to experience it better. I like the skies, the green, the cleanliness, the spaces, the old and new. People seem full of urge to do their activity quickly and purposefully. Loitering or slowing down seems inappropriate, unless it is done in a designated place of leisure. Business displays a keen spirit and good quality, with great variety, and lots of expression and creativity in the advertising and decoration. That appeals to me.
I gained an extra eye to see this all. I bought a Finepix F30, the newly released low-light capturing marvel released by Fujifilm this month. It encourages me to see the world around me in new shapes and colors and composition. It offers me a new form of artful expression, and I want to explore my creativity with it. It’s my new companion, and I am very happy with it. Its low-light pictures are simply amazing.

A full day of art and creativity, interspersed with nice food and warm feelings. I realize that there is nothing that I can create that is not already there. I found that I can share in it, and share it with another.
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