Sunday, July 16, 2006

Happy smile

Being happy is a decision. Everyone looks for happiness, and the harder I look, the more difficult it is to find. For me, being happy has everything to do with myself, with what I want and decide.

I also know how to get help, by smiling! People think that smiling is the result of being happy. I found that smiling is also my trigger to happiness. It unlocks the happiness that is already inside me. In Dao, smiling unblocks my inner pathways, connects my own dots better. And then I find that I don’t need those external dots so much. I have enough within myself.

My experience of happiness is deeper when my smile is connected to my heart. Smiling from face to heart, it becomes an inner smile. Here is what I do when I have a few minutes:

I think of a person or situation I love, really like
I focus on that experience, and hold the image in front of my closed eyes
I smile, it’s easy, I just let the corners of my mouth rise
Then I let the image move down to my heart
I let my heart glow with the pleasure of the experience
I feel my heart grow bigger, and bright red in color, smiling
My smiling heart is now connected to my smiling face
I feel warm, contented, happy
I wish to share the happiness, from inside out

Photograph: Singapore Art Museum Fiction@Love

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