I spent yesterday with a close friend, talking about the changes in our lives. He was visiting Manila for a week, and it was good to catch up and compare notes. He is older than me, at least biologically, and I usually get some good advice. Yesterday was no exception.
He told me the story of a group of Harvard graduates who had been subjected to research about the success they achieved in their life after graduation. The message was that only two graduates of the group had set themselves goals, and that these two had achieved more than all the others put together.
So we took some time discussing life goals and the importance of taking action to achieve them. We discussed the elements of a life goals chart. Mission, vision and values at the top, together with dreams, and below that specific life goals, and under that the goals for 2007. And at the bottom the available resources and, importantly, the activities to drop and avoid from one’s life. Because, while we can do almost anything when we put our mind to it, we certainly can’t do everything.
Our range of topics also covered the benefits of early retirement, pursuing life-long education, doing business and reaching out to people, drinking good coffee, speeding up our computers, and living in Bali, a place he loves too. He gave me good advice about the piece of land I am considering. How to clear it, put in drainage, and start building in phases, beginning with a small pavilion that can serve to try out design and building materials, and can become (his) guest quarters later on.
All in all, it was a rewarding day. And when he texted me this morning from the airport “we make a good team”, I agreed. It is good when friends team up to help each other.

Photograph: My friend with a wallaby (top) and one of my actions this week: ordering a life coaching home-study course (bottom).
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